
  1. Acknowledgements
  2. Introduction
    1. About Bettercare
    2. Why decentralised learning?
    3. Free Bettercare Online Learning Platform
    4. Learning programmes
    5. Format of the courses
    6. Contributors
    7. Updating the course material
    8. Contact information
    9. Registration
  3. 1 Introduction to childhood tuberculosis
    1. Objectives
    2. Tuberculous infection
    3. Pulmonary tuberculosis
    4. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis
    5. Case studies
  4. 2 Clinical presentation of childhood tuberculosis
    1. Objectives
    2. Early presentation of tuberculosis
    3. Pulmonary tuberculosis
    4. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis
    5. Enlarged tuberculous lymph nodes
    6. Tuberculous meningitis
    7. Abdominal tuberculosis
    8. Tuberculosis of bone and joints
    9. Disseminated tuberculosis
    10. Scoring systems to identify tuberculosis
    11. Case studies
  5. 3 Diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis
    1. Objectives
    2. Confirming the clinical diagnosis of tuberculosis
    3. Tuberculin skin tests
    4. Identifying TB DNA and bacilli in sputum
    5. Evaluation of samples by Xpert MTB/RIF ultra
    6. Sputum smear examination
    7. Culture for TB bacilli and drug susceptibility testing
    8. Chest X-ray
    9. Fine needle aspiration of a lymph node
    10. Lumbar puncture
    11. Additional investigations
    12. Screening for HIV
    13. Case studies
  6. 4 Management of childhood tuberculosis
    1. Objectives
    2. Planning the management of a child with tuberculosis
    3. Treating drug susceptible tuberculosis
    4. Good adherence
    5. Monitoring treatment
    6. Drug-resistant tuberculosis
    7. Treatment with steroids
    8. Good nutrition
    9. Treating tuberculosis and HIV co-infection
    10. Case studies
  7. 5 Preventing childhood tuberculosis
    1. Objectives
    2. Principles of prevention
    3. BCG immunisation
    4. Avoiding exposure to TB bacilli
    5. TB prophylaxis (TB preventive therapy) in children
    6. National tuberculosis programme
    7. Community involvement
    8. Controlling the spread of HIV infection
    9. Case studies
  8. Pictures
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