- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
1 Antenatal care
- Objectives
- Goals of good antenatal care
- Diagnosing pregnancy
- The first antenatal visit
- Determining the duration of pregnancy
- Side-room and special screening investigations
- The second antenatal visit
- Assessing the results of the special screening investigations
- Grading the risk
- Subsequent visits
- The visit at 28 weeks
- The visit at 34 weeks
- The visit at 41 weeks
- Managing women with HIV infection
- Case studies
- 1a Skills: General examination at the first antenatal visit
- 1b Skills: Examination of the abdomen in pregnancy
- 1c Skills: Vaginal examination in pregnancy
- 1d Skills: Screening tests for syphilis
- 1e Skills: Screening tests for HIV
- 1f Skills: Examination of the breasts
- 2 Assessment of fetal growth and condition during pregnancy
- 2a Skills: Routine use of the antenatal card
3 Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
- Objectives
- The hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
- The classification of hypertension during pregnancy
- Pre-eclampsia
- Patients at increased risk of pre-eclampsia
- The management of pre-eclampsia
- The emergency management of severe pre-eclampsia and imminent eclampsia
- The management of eclampsia
- The further management of severe pre-eclampsia and imminent eclampsia at the referral hospital
- Gestational hypertension
- Chronic hypertension
- Postpartum hypertension
- Case studies
- 3a Skills: Measuring blood pressure and proteinuria
4 Antepartum haemorrhage
- Objectives
- Antepartum haemorrhage
- The initial emergency management of antepartum haemorrhage
- Diagnosing the cause of the bleeding
- Antepartum bleeding caused by abruptio placentae
- Antepartum bleeding caused by placenta praevia
- Antepartum haemorrhage of unknown cause
- Referral of a patient with an antepartum haemorrhage
- A blood-stained vaginal discharge
- Case studies
- 5 Preterm labour and preterm rupture of the membranes
6 The puerperium and family planning
- Objectives
- The puerperium
- Management of the puerperium
- The 6 week postnatal visit
- Puerperal pyrexia
- Genital tract infection
- Urinary tract infection
- Thrombophlebitis
- Respiratory tract infection
- Puerperal psychiatric disorders
- Secondary postpartum haemorrhage
- Self-monitoring
- HIV positive mothers
- Family planning in the puerperium
- Case studies
- 7 Medical problems during pregnancy, labour and the puerperium
- Appendix