
  1. Acknowledgements
  2. Introduction
    1. About Bettercare
    2. Why decentralised learning?
    3. Free Bettercare Online Learning Platform
    4. Learning programmes
    5. Format of the courses
    6. Contributors
    7. Updating the course material
    8. Contact information
    9. Registration
  3. 1 Introduction to perinatal HIV
    1. Objectives
    2. Introduction to HIV
    3. The spread of HIV
    4. Diagnosing HIV infection
    5. Clinical signs of HIV infection
    6. Preventing HIV infection
    7. Managing HIV infection
    8. Accidental HIV infection
    9. Case studies
  4. 2 HIV in pregnancy
    1. Objectives
    2. HIV infection in pregnancy
    3. HIV treatment in pregnancy
    4. HIV and AIDS during pregnancy
    5. Clinical staging of HIV infection
    6. Use of antiretroviral (ARV) treatment in pregnancy
    7. TB and HIV co-infection
    8. Case studies
  5. 3 HIV during labour and delivery
    1. Objectives
    2. HIV transmission during labour
    3. Reducing HIV transmission during labour and delivery
    4. Use of antiretroviral drugs in labour
    5. HIV in the puerperium
    6. Preventing accidental HIV infection
    7. Family planning for women living with HIV
    8. Follow-up care of women living with HIV
    9. Case studies
  6. 4 HIV in the newborn infant
    1. Objectives
    2. Introduction to HIV-exposed newborn infants
    3. Diagnosing HIV infection in infants
    4. Preventing HIV infection in newborn infants
    5. HIV transmission in breast milk
    6. Breastfeeding HIV-exposed infants
    7. Formula feeding HIV-exposed infants
    8. Care of HIV-exposed infants
    9. HIV infection in infants
    10. Case studies
  7. 5 HIV and counselling
    1. Objectives
    2. Introduction to counselling
    3. HIV counselling
    4. Counselling for antenatal HIV screening
    5. Receiving bad news
    6. Counselling women with HIV infection
    7. Safer sex counselling
    8. Support for HIV counsellors
    9. Case studies
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