
  1. Acknowledgements
  2. Introduction
    1. Why decentralised learning?
    2. Free Bettercare Online Learning Platform
    3. Updating the course material
    4. Contact information
    5. Registration
  3. 1 Care of the mother
    1. Objectives
    2. Maternal care
    3. Pregnancy
    4. Antenatal care
    5. Common problems during pregnancy
    6. Keeping healthy during pregnancy
    7. Important danger signs in pregnancy
    8. HIV during pregnancy
    9. Labour and delivery
    10. Postnatal care
    11. Case studies
  4. 2 Care of the newborn baby
    1. Objectives
    2. Size at birth
    3. Care of normal babies after birth
    4. Common problems in newborn babies
    5. Important danger signs in newborn babies
    6. Supporting mothers of newborn babies
    7. Registering newborn babies
    8. Case studies
  5. 3 Exclusive breastfeeding
    1. Objectives
    2. Choice of feeding method
    3. Managing exclusive breastfeeding
    4. Helping mothers to breastfeed
    5. Difficulties with exclusive breastfeeding
    6. Promoting exclusive breastfeeding
    7. Case studies
  6. 4 HIV in mother and baby
    1. Objectives
    2. Basics of HIV infection
    3. Spread and prevention of HIV infection
    4. Mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection
    5. Preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection
    6. Feeding babies born to mothers with HIV infection
    7. Supporting HIV positive mothers
    8. Case studies
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